The basis of the relationship with customers is a lawful and qualified business practice that complies with all legal and regulatory requirements.
The management of LLC NPF Metallimpress developed the internal policy of business ethics, which main regulations create the corporate values of the Company.
They are:
arrow_forward Integrity, reliability
Integrity and reliability are important indicators of ethical business practice. We do not use any deceptive or fraudulent methods relative to our customers, colleagues, contractors, government agencies or officials. This practice is impermissible and unforgivable.
We keep our word, acknowledge our mistakes and willingly accept criticism.
arrow_forward Courtesy, professionalism
Courtesy and professionalism are an integral part of our work. Each of the employees of the company treats people with dignity, courtesy and politeness, regardless of their status. This applies to any business situation: whether the current work on a project or an attempt to resolve a conflict of interest arisen.
arrow_forward Justice
We are working with customers, officials and suppliers fairly and impartially. We pay due attention to our customers, trying to satisfy their needs and desires without discrimination or personal preferences. We respect the civil rights of people regardless of occupied or official position.
arrow_forward Information sensitivity
Our employees and colleagues protect copyrighted and licensed information as well as any confidential information of our customers and other third parties. This includes an understanding of and compliance with any applicable contractual restrictions that were agreed with the customer or a third party.
We do not discuss, do not expose, copy or use in any other way the confidential information of customer or third parties without proper authorization of the owner and the requirements specified in our responsibilities.
arrow_forward Health and safety
The priority of the Company management is to ensure the health and safe working conditions, to minimize injuries among employees and subcontractors. Any violation of the rules and regulations in the field of labor, health and safety entails a fair handling and strict sanctions against the perpetrators.
arrow_forward Environmental protection
The Company Metallimpress is aware of its responsibility for the design and carrying out construction and installation work and fulfills all the obligations of environmental policies to reduce the negative impact on the environment.